bloody: adj.1.血的;血一样的。2.血糊糊的;血染的,血迹斑斑的。3.嗜血的,好杀的。4.血腥的,残忍的。5.〔口语〕过分的,不合情理的。6.〔英俚〕= damned 〔有时仅用以加强语气〕。短语和例子a bloody battle 一场血战。 bloody tissue 血液组织。 a bloody king 暴君。 not a bloody likely 一点儿也不像。 I
Clowning around ? i ' ve got a bloody nose 装怪?我的鼻子都出血了!
At no point before the invasion were the argentines warned that if they were to poke britain in the eye they would get a bloody nose 在英国入侵之前,阿根廷被警告:若胆敢越雷池一步抗击英国,那么血债必将血还。